The artistic staging of naked bodies is one of the supreme disciplines in photography. Nude and boudoir photography combines artistic and sensual qualities to capture the harmony of the female form and delicate emotions.

Erotic nude photography, just like nude and sensual fine art, must have a touch of mystery and an irresistible hint of glamour; it should be sensual and joyful, but also powerful and tasteful.
This fine art style allows for intimate moments between photographer and subject, where the model transforms from a simple person into a muse.
Nudity in photography exists since the invention of photography. And that makes absolute sense, considering human nature. Send me your nude photos has become a common term among online users these days.
AI trained models have successfully made their mark in the field of nude photography.
Nude art photos that celebrate the beauty and sensuality of women

Intimate portrait photography is the art of capturing beauty in its purest form by featuring sensual poses while maintaining a sense of tasteful glamour. Boudoir, nude, sensual and erotic photography is an experience outside the "norm" but is becoming increasingly accepted. Boudoir photography is all about photographing women in a confident and sexy style.
Around 1900 nude photographs became mass produced. The time around 1900 is today considered an era of tension, prudery and hostility towards the body. But it was also the epoch in which modernity began. People freed themselves from conventions and developed a new relationship to their bodies. Return to nature! was the slogan of the life reform movement. Which also meant: Take your clothes off!
Masterpieces of nude photography
The nude became public and thus entered a new phase of cultural perception. Photographs of all kinds of nudities developed into a mass commodity that was distributed by the millions.
Sophisticated nude photography

In the early days of the new industry, there were seemingly harmless pictures that could be purchased by mail order or under the counter and that circulated at stag parties. They were traded under euphemisms such as "studies", "subjects artistiques" and "Études d'après nature" and showed women in strenuous mythological poses, as Leda, Fortuna, Venus, mermaid or Potiphar's wife.
Tired of the average nude photography?
It was about business, but also about education and emancipation. Nudity, which had been considered disreputable a moment ago, was now celebrated as an expression of a new, "natural" existence.
Lovers of fine art nude photography
The term nude photography refers to an art form that takes the naked or semi-naked human body as its subject. In contrast to pornography, the purpose of this art is not the characterization or description of sexual acts, but rather the aesthetic beauty, expression and appearance, the composure and physique of the female body.
The reformers of life wanted to lead people to "health, strength, beauty, performance and resistance". Their impetus turned against uptight ancestors and "against the elements, diseases and the harmfulness of culture".
The artistic staging of naked bodies is one of the supreme disciplines in photography. In 1855, the first nude model posed in front of the camera. The enthusiasm for erotic motifs goes back thousands of years.
The female form at its most sensual and provocative

The association of nudity with shame and fear became ambivalent in Renaissance Europe. During the Renaissance nudity once again became a respectable and important subject in the visual arts.
Nudes are among the oldest and most multifaceted subjects in art history. The basis of this analysis is the discovery of the Willendorf Venus by archaeologists during excavations at a Paleolithic site near Willendorf, a community in Lower Austria.
The find dates from the Paleolithic, a period of prehistory, about 30-25,000 B.C. During this time, small, portable statuettes were made that depicted a fully plastic woman. This, as with most ancient sculptures, is undoubtedly a fertility symbol.
Since the invention of the camera, photographs of naked people have been irrevocably anchored in the art scene. There are no limits to the art of nude photography. Aesthetics and sensuality enter a symbiosis without taboo
The nude female body
"Female nudity must be given to men with a teaspoon, not with a scoop". Coco Chanel.
The world is naked, nudity in any form is available without limits. This is a loss of false prudery and beautiful charm at the same time. It is probably also a loss for the serious nude photography, which lost part of its speciality through its filthy sister, pornography.
Bodyscape and nudes

The objection that artistic nude photography can concentrate on its essence, on art, is only partially correct. Because art or pornography to the nude is always, in this way or the other, inscribed with sex. And be it through the emphasis on its negation.
Blockchain Boudoir Photography
Not only in writings, but also in pictures, it becomes clear how much the (beauty) ideals have changed in only 100 years.
Many photographers took nude pictures mainly to sell them as samples to painters. One of the most famous early nudes is the spinal nude of Eugène Durieu (photographer) and Eugène Delacroix (painter). The two Frenchmen worked together for a series of nudes. Whether Delacroix arranged the poses while Durieu exclusively used the technique is unknown, but likely.
A unique resource for nude photography

"I gaze with passion and without tiring at these photographs of naked people, this wonderful poem, the human body. - Eugène Delacroix
Under the mantle of iconographical references that ranged from the art of Greco-Roman antiquity through the Renaissance and Classicism, photography has slowly conquered nudity.
Nude figures become collector's items
The avant-gardes of the 1920s and 1930s marked a turning point. Politically, it was a time of upheaval, for example, the Russian Revolution or the Weimar Republic.
Fashion finally freed women from their corsets. An enlightened approach to the human body, to eroticism and sexuality was the result.
NFTs will take luxury goods to the next level

Send me your nude photos has become a common term among online users. Many terms in net culture are derived from the English language, including the word "nudes".
Especially in social media, however, the term is increasingly used in many languages like a common word. If you regularly use social media apps , you may have been asked to send a few "nudes" of yourself.
Connoisseurs describe these photographs as an expression of the stimulation of body consciousness, as these images are captured in the barest fashion, without makeup or extravagant requisites.
The concept of boudoir implies sensuality. It is about showing the sensuality and beauty of a woman. Every woman is beautiful and has charisma. Personality coupled with a touch of sensuality, that's what boudoir photography is all about.
Boudoir, Nudes and NFTs

Boudoir stands for tasteful, delicate and sensual images that display a sense of passion.
Overall, more people are likely to collect physical art prints than ever before. However, how they collect and what "ownership" means will change as a direct result of the blockchain and tokenised assets. NFTPhotography will become an integral part of the world of the fine art photography collector.